Congress is preparing to pass a $787 Billion stimulus package. That's $787,000,000,000. That's a mind-blowingly big number, so I put on my nerd hat, crunched some numbers, and tried to put it into perspective. You don't need to thank me.
- If you spent a dollar a second it would take you 24,956 years to spend that much money.
- At an estimated population of 303,824,640 people in the US, the cost comes to $2,590 for every person in the nation.
- Let's say you convert the cost of the stimulus package to pennies. You then wrap those pennies and lay them end-to-end. Your line of penny wrappers would go around the Earth 2,494 times.
- That string of penny wrappers would reach from the earth to the moon and back 130 times.
- If you laid those penny wrappers in a straight line, it would take LIGHT a bit over five and a half minutes to travel that far.
Our grandchildren will have reason to hate us.